
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hertfordshire to Paris via a Wedding (24-27/8)

Saying farewell and thanks to Terry and Wendy
After leaving Wendy and Terry we headed for Cobham for a couple of days with family.  We met friends of Allan's sister Marilyn, and then helped celebrate the wedding of Allan's nephew Jaren to Katy whose family live close by. The wedding and reception afterwards fortunately took place in a country house which had been built with entertainment in mind as the rain just bucketed down all day.
The happy couple.
The rain actually stopped as you can see behind them

Traffic jam on the way to Gatwick.
Photo taken through the windscreen!
The day after the wedding we left the car at Gatwick (fortunately we left early as there was a traffic jam on the motorway and it was still raining), then caught the train back to St Pancras to take the Eurostar to Paris (still the best way to do the trip). We called in to see Australian friends (Bev and Fritz) who have had their flat renovated since we stayed with them last time. They were off on a trip later in the week. After discussing a potential trip together they took us to one of their local restaurants where we had a great meal with appropriate portion sizes!

The Seine under still unfriendly skies.
Having done a lot of the moving around in the past few days, we needed to “chill-out”. Allan went for a run and got wet, and then we headed for a laundry. After we got new sim cards for phone and ipad, we strolled down to the Seine passing the Opera through the Tuilleries Gardens and the Place de la Concorde. On our way back to the hotel we found a lovely little creperie where we indulged our passion for galettes and cider that we had developed while in Britanny on our last trip.

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